Monday, April 17, 2017

16 Things People With Anxiety Issues Hate Hearing From Others

16 Things People With Anxiety Issues Hate Hearing From Others

Hope this helps the person with anxiety share with their friends and family for better understanding of what us with anxiety go through.
Anxiety affects about 40 million Americans each year, and can cause ceaseless feelings of fear and uncertainty. With that suffering can come comments that are more hurtful than helpful to people with anxiety issues. While they usually come with the best intentions, a lack of understanding from the commenter can make panic attacks more challenging. 
 To help someone with anxiety issues cope, here are some specific phrases to avoid.

1) “Oh, I’ve been anxious before.” 
Feeling Anxious 
Being anxious about a big test or an interview is very different from an anxiety attack. While one is expected (or it should be, at least), the other can bowl a person over without warning. 
Author Brandie Wagers explained in an article that, for her, a sudden burst of anxiety is “comparable to what you would feel if a herd of stampeding buffalo was headed right toward you” out of nowhere. 
For those with no control over their anxiety, saying you’ve been anxious before is not a good comparison. 
 2) “Calm down.” 
Just Calm Down 
The problem with anxiety and panic disorders is that you can’t simply calm down. There’s no switch to turn off the feelings automatically, and finding the ability to relax on command isn’t easy for most people. For those with a disorder it’s even more difficult. 
 Even though you might have good intentions in telling someone to keep calm, it can put them under more stress and pressure – the last thing they need at the time. 
 3) “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” 
Dont Sweat The Small Stuff 
 The truth is, something you view as trivial or small may not be so small in a person with an anxiety disorder’s world. This comment is often meant to be positive and upbeat, but by saying it you may diminish something that’s a much bigger problem to another person. 
 For someone with anxiety issues, there is no “small stuff.” 

4) “Just do it.” 
Give Empathy For People With Anxiety Disorders 
 When someone with anxiety is facing a fear, so-called tough love may be the last thing they need. Depending on the type of phobia or disorder, panic can strike someone at any time. 
 Try practicing empathy rather than telling someone to “suck it up.” 

5) “Everything is going to be fine.” 
Everything is going to be fine 
 While this comment is overall supportive, those with anxiety issues don’t react to comforting words in the same way others might. Telling someone with anxiety that “everything will be fine” doesn’t do much, because while it may be logical, anxiety on the level of a disorder is anything but logical. 
Reassurance like this can be a bad method, because the person may believe it for a moment, but then doubt can creep in, creating a vicious cycle. 
 Most of these comments are said with good intent and the hope that they will be uplifting. However, many of them show a lack of understanding for what the person is going through. Rather than trying to cheer them up or telling them to get over it, help those with anxiety issues through their problem by being empathetic and listening.
 I suffer anxiety and panic attacks and work long hours 7 days a week. I was stressing on a project, took a Soul stick and in minutes, I was calm, clear and felt like myself. I also used it one evening when anxiety would not let me sleep. I got out of bed had one and journaled then crashed. I will keep these on me at all times. They not only enhance mood but balance me out. Also love the amazing tropic taste...

Friday, April 14, 2017

Bone Broth Protein FIT Thermo Burner helps boosts metabolism, manage a healthy weight and promote overall fitness and energy goals.

Bone Broth Protein FIT Thermo Burner helps boosts metabolism, manage a healthy weight and promote overall fitness and energy goals.

It’s loaded with superfood Bone Broth, clinically studied Ashwagandha, 6 Smoking Hot Peppers, 20g of protein and only 1g of sugar per serving and can deliver these transformational benefits to your health:

Bone Broth Protein™ FIT Thermo Burnermetabolism-boosting, muscle-preserving protein powder for men and women.
Thanks to protein from concentrated bone broth, this unique thermogenic formula helps stoke your metabolism. But unlike many thermogenic options available, bone broth actually helps keep energy levels high and preserves muscle. Plus, it has a smooth, great Vanilla Spice taste!
With many other thermogenic supplements, you could be losing muscle at the same rate you’re losing fat.

We all know muscle is important. But when it comes to stoking metabolism, muscle is vital, since muscle can burn up to 3x as many calories as fat.
In other words, you may be losing the wrong type of weight and actually making future weight management more difficult by eating away your muscles.†
Not with Bone Broth Protein FIT Thermo Burner, though.

The metabolism-boosting power of today’s hottest superfoods

Bone Broth Protein FIT Thermo Burner helps boosts metabolism, manage a healthy weight and promote overall fitness and energy goals.
It’s loaded with superfood Bone Broth, clinically studied Ashwagandha, 6 Smoking Hot Peppers, 20g of protein and only 1g of sugar per serving and can deliver these transformational benefits to your health:


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Did you know mangosteen made the famous Dr. Oz’s top 5 superfood list.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen

March 31 2017
Mangosteen you say? What’s that, like a mango?
 No! It’s actually a really cool fruit that was banned in the U.S. until 2007 due to the belief that they harbored the Asian fruit fly! Mangosteen is among the fruits that are known to contain powerful antioxidants that are useful to the immune system and the entire body. These antioxidants contain cell boosters that are referred to as xanthones which contain various properties that have medicinal value. Mangosteen is regarded as a healing fruit which can be used to reverse the effects of diseases that were common, both in the past and today. 
The mangosteen has long been valued for its juicy, delicate texture and unique flavor and has been cultivated in Southeast Asian countries such as Burma, India, Sumatra, Indochina, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. It’s a common household tree in Indonesia. It is a tropical plant which needs humidity, rainfall and cannot survive in long periods of drought. 
Health benefits of mangosteen include reduced risk of inflammation, cancer, allergies and diabetes. It has antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial properties which help boosts immune system and heart health! This amazing super fruit is beneficial in maintaining healthy skin, weight management and providing relief from stomach disorders including diarrhea and dysentery and menstrual disorders. 
This super fruit is rich in water, energy, protein, carbohydrate and fiber. Essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese are found in this fruit. It contains vitamins A,C, B6 and B12 which are required for maintaining good health.
 In regards to inflammation, which many agree is the source of many physical ailments, playing a huge role in many of today’s common ailments, including arthritis, headache, back pain and much more. According to Dr. Kenneth J. Finsand, author of the 2006 book: Mangosteen Desk Reference 2nd Edition: 82 Conditions that Respond to Mangosteen, "This is probably the most famous use of all the qualities found in the mangosteen: it is by far the most powerful anti-inflammatory I have ever seen in 30 years of practice.
 Research has proven this to be true, along with folk medicine history." 
(1) Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen have been compared in strength to one of the most potent anti-inflammatory prescription drugs, Dexamethasone.
(2) Well, all that’s great, but what does it taste like? According to Fruits, the mangosteen has flavors that taste like a combination of strawberry, peach, vanilla ice cream; it is definitely sweet with a very slight sourness. 
(3) It has long been known as the “Queen of Fruits.” . According to the New York Times, in the 1800s, Queen Victoria is said to have offered knighthood to anyone who brought her fresh mangosteens from Asia. 
(4) Mangosteen fruits, which are either seedless or have one to five fully-developed seeds and are usually can be two to three inches in diameter. They have a thick rind surrounding four to eight fruit segments, similar to an orange. They are round and smooth, and dark-purple to red-purple in color depending on its ripeness. The triangular segments of soft flesh inside are white and juicy. The well respected Dr. Josh Axe even mentions in an artilcle that mangosteen can improve acne! 
(5) And mangosteen makes the famous Dr. Oz’s top 5 superfood list in 2010!
(6) Unfortunately, fresh mangosteens aren’t always easily available in the U.S., but if you’re going to find them, your best bet is an Asian market or Whole Foods. You can also order fresh mangosteen online, but it’s a bit pricey. Luckily, there are some amazing supplements on the market where you can find an easy and delicious way to enhance your body with mangosteen! 
 CoreAO (antioxidant) boosts your immunity with the most powerful, disease-fighting super nutrients on the planet—Mangosteen, acai, arginine, bilberry, grape seed extract, and catechins.